I really should emphasize that I'm not a meme person. You tag me? I'm really unlikely to get around to it. It feels like homework, and I always put that off to the last minute. Actually, if possible, to after the last minute by asking for an extension. Such is my life. However, if I stumble upon something and feel a need to unload a few thoughts I might just do it. This is a long one, and I apologize. You'll see my sentiments about our President-Elect, and you may find a few tidbits about what has been going on in my life. If you have questions feel free to ask them. If you feel like sharing or have done this already, would you post it here, or link to it? I'm feeling empathetic and curious, as well as a bit pulled-back from life, and would love to be drawn out a bit. Or join me on facebook here.
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