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WOW...that would be incredible. I'm not sure I'd believe it either. Keeping my fingers crossed that you do have coverage.


If Clay Aiken's best friend can do IVF at 50 why can't everybody? Not that you're 50.....

Intending To Be Parents

Wow that would be fantastic and absolutely wonderful. My fingers are glued in the crossed position for you!


I think I'd not know whether to rejoice or throw up. Probaby a little bit of both.


Holy ess, woman.


What would I think? About fucking time insurance companies/employers pulled their collective heads out of their asses, that's what I would think.

Erika Jurney

After I regained consciousness I'd probably have a drink and then approximately 3 days later I would know what I thought.



I'd think it's never too late. And use it or lose it.

Like always, I wish my mind worked as well as DDs. She has much better thinks.

Lut C.

I wouldn't think, my mind would go blank. Then as it thaws I'd get really angry, why not sooner????


Um, that it's a cruel hoax?

Unless of course it's not.

Yikes. Um, good luck?


Phone them, phone them, phone them already!!!


Holy crap! How exciting - hey maybe we could be cycle buddies? bwah ha ha ha!


I think I would get cycling and blog A LOT about it.


I second Kimmer. Get busy, blog a lot. (v exciting)

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