Hello Everyone who loves Akeeyu. Boulder here.
I think it is time for another shower hosted on my site. This time, however, we'll focus on what will really help Akeeyu, Sam, Fitz-Hume and Millbarge via a paypal button instead of a mountain of packages in her garage. (Though, seriously? Best photo ever. It still makes me cry to see that.)
I chatted with Akeeyu many nights on her 90+ days of bedrest, and as funny as it sounds, she really helped me more than I feel I ever helped her. This will be my way of giving back. Once things have settled down a bit in her life, I'll be happy to help her set up her own paypal button.
If you would like to help, please know that if funds are tight for your family that a link to this post letting other people know will also help tremendously.
Let me go on record here that I fully apologize if you came here looking for news and an update from my little world. I'd like to offer you an olive branch, and say that I will update you all here once I've given everyone a chance to see this posting for Akeeyu.
Thank you for your kinds thoughts for Akeeyu, Sam, Millbarge & Fitz-Hume.