Day Three Labs | |
LH | 2.8 |
E2 | 59.0 |
FSH | 7.6 |
A few weeks ago, at the request of my RE (who is out of state), I went to my new doctor and had day 3 lab work drawn. Now, I should say that this new doctor is a general practitioner, and that he fully confessed that his knowledge of the results would be limited. But, he had a lab facility as part of his office suite, and I needed other blood work done as well, so it SEEMED like a good idea to get it all done at once.
I don't know if you've dealt with a general practitioner for lab results recently, but I really owe my RE's office a debt of gratitude for how quickly they manage to turn around the results. Holy crap this lab took a long time. I enquired with the phlebotomist when I could expect the results to come back - only because she was the onsite representative for the lab, which has many other offices and draw facilities - and she'd said, on a Wednesday morning, that perhaps by Friday or the following Monday.
On Tuesday when I still had not heard anything I contacted the doctor's office and enquired to see if they knew the results or their whereabouts. And then on Wednesday when I spoke with the office directly and not a voicemail, they said the results were not on site yet, and not in my chart. The told me that the doctor was going out on vacation and they could be on his desk, etc. I let them know that I'd already spoken with the doctor and we'd agreed that since he would not be able to interpret the results relative to an IVF cycle that the office would send them directly to me. This is when I also learned, by chance, that I should not expect the results to be listed on my patient voicemail, but rather the office would call them and recite them to my phone. I asked, instead that they be faxed to me, so that I could send them on to my RE.
So on Thursday when I still hadn't seen a call or fax from the office, I began to let my neurosis get the better of me. Seriously. *My FSH must be sky high! My other bloodwork must be really bad news. The doctor is out on vacation, and the nurse can't call me because the doctor needs to tell me in person or something.* You cannot fathom how my imagination ran wild!
And finally on Friday morning, I called again and implored the office that I must know what has happened, and whether I needed to schedule another appointment in case the lab had lost my blood, or the paperwork hadn't been properly transmitted, or whatever. The nurse called back to say she'd *just* gotten them back, and that she could send them by mail if I liked. By MAIL. (I think I might have popped a blood vessel when that was offered up.) I reminded her of the fax number, and she said she'd do that. Before I got off the phone, I said I'd call within 30 minutes if I hadn't seen them (I was away from the fax at that point - figures, right?).
Can you guess the next thing? Yep, fax didn't come through. I called the receptionist and said I'd be over in 5 minutes to pick them up.
When I got there I'd steeled myself to see the dreaded numbers that would move me from being a poor responder into the "high FSH" realm too. To numbers that would preclude me from my RE's advising me to attempt this last cycle. We've been planning on after the first of the year, but a high FSH would have been the trump card to that notion.
My RE has officially said these results look good (at 41.25, I think so!), and we can go ahead.
PS - to those who have contacted me about meds, thank you. My heart has been warmed from a heavy frost by your thoughtfulness. I have a big habit - 11 days at 600IU of stims a day, so every little bit will help.
That's insane for lab results to take that long! I would ask your RE for an alternative offie that can be a little more "timely" in getting results. The problem with the GP is that even tho they can take your blood, they probably had to send it to a major hospital lab or independent lab. Can you imagine the shipping and handling nightmare over the holiday weekend? Aaack!
Posted by: DD | Tuesday, December 27, 2005 at 07:57 AM
I am jealous. Not of how long it took to get the results, that just plain stinks. But that FSH...I WISH! Happy cycling!
Amber (32. and kind of yucky FSH)
Posted by: Amber | Tuesday, December 27, 2005 at 04:37 PM
I hate waiting for test results. It looks to me like those were worth the wait, though. Congrats.
Posted by: Amanda | Wednesday, December 28, 2005 at 08:43 AM
I say YES, your luck is changing.....
Posted by: Julia | Wednesday, December 28, 2005 at 10:22 AM
I'm visiting for the first time. Damn, you have been through a lot. I wanted to wish you luck with your meds collection. I wish I could help but I'm in a similar situation (gearing up for IVF#7; 600iu/day--last time we went for 13 days!; no IVF or drug coverage).
Hope 2006 brings good things for you.
Posted by: ninaB | Thursday, December 29, 2005 at 12:51 PM
I feel your pain - also no coverage at all. Ugh.
Thanks for stopping by & for the wishes, I'll be hoping for the same for you~
Posted by: Boulder | Thursday, December 29, 2005 at 01:19 PM
I just found you through Tertia's blog. I'm heading off to Cape Town (for a donor cycle) in a couple of days and won't be back until late January. My last ivf cycle was a hefty 750 iu per day for 17 days so I feel a tiny bit of your pain.
Best of luck to you regardless.
Posted by: millie | Thursday, December 29, 2005 at 07:16 PM
Great test results. Some good news for a change indeed!
Posted by: Pamplemousse | Friday, December 30, 2005 at 09:17 AM
Great test results! Call me damnit!
Posted by: Copycat | Friday, December 30, 2005 at 02:46 PM
Sexy results! I realized I have crinone too - I'll be packaging all up unless I hear from you. And hey - what's so bad about high fsh, sure it's a gloomy, miserable pit of despair, but we throw the best parties. Well ok, they're pity parties...
Posted by: T | Thursday, January 05, 2006 at 08:13 AM